Spirit Healing Connections
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About Pamela

Back in 1998, I was sitting with my then three-year-old daughter Jessica, listening to her tell me about where she came from. She was telling me it was a “happy place and better there." I listened to her with such fascination as she described a whole other world, separate from our own. I wasn’t sure where she was getting this information, but I knew it wasn’t from television or any book I had read to her. Shortly after, I was in a store and a book practically jumped in front of me. As I read the back, I quickly learned this was the exact book I needed to read, which would explain what my daughter was telling me about the afterlife. I continued to follow the path of learning as much as I could about metaphysics. 

In April of 2006, my son decided he did not want to exist on this earth anymore. I believe my daughter was preparing me for this time in my life with all the previous information she had given me.  My son’s death took me on quite a different journey. Not too long after his passing, during meditation, my son told me I would be “doing this”. “This," would be communicating with those who have crossed over. I have taken classes, been to workshops, and have had the privilege of having a private teacher, all of which helped me learn and recognize how to make this connection. I have now been studying metaphysics and the afterlife for over 20 years.

I have developed this gift through my own grief process with the loss of my son and it is my honor and privilege to assist you in your healing process by connecting you with your departed loved ones. I also receive guidance from spirit guides who may be able to gently assist you on your journey during this lifetime. I know what the connection has meant to me and what it can mean to you.

I've been a Reiki practitioner since 1998 and became a certified Reiki Master Teacher in 2009. I am also a member of the International Natural Healers Association. With Reiki, I am able to channel universal life-force energy to help assist people with healing. I often call on my guides who are more than willing to help direct the healing. 

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